Month: August 2021

Money for Artists

South Arts offers offers grants up to $15,000 to allow musicians to play an array of venues in rural communities or places where it is more challenging to let the music speak.

Jazz Philadelphia Summit 2021

Our 4th Annual Jazz Philadelphia Summit won’t be stopped by a resurgence of the pandemic—because the spirit of music can’t be stopped, even when stages are silent. 

Norman Connors

Today, the 70-something-year-old marvels at the path his life took from living in tenement housing doors away from famed comic Bill Cosby to headlining across the globe alongside jazz, R&B, and soul music legends.

Welcome to our new website!

Like jazz itself, the Jazz Philadelphia website is a living thing. With your involvement, the site will grow, flourish and serve a creative community that is second to none.

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