Jimmy Bruno
Diane Monroe
Diane Monroe is a rare gem of a musician whose original compositions and arrangements have garnered accolades from both the classical and jazz worlds, and she continues to bridge the divide.
Let Freedom Ring
When my youngest daughter was in middle school, I discovered that Black History Month was a tricky proposition. Her sixth-grade teacher’s announcement of the February events was met by a chorus of mostly-white classmates who collectively groaned, “Do we have to talk about slavery again?”
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation announces grant award to WRTI
This grant will provide general operating support and funds for innovation, and promote investment in the future of public jazz radio in Philadelphia.
Children of Adam Band utilizes outdoor rehearsal space
After starting 2019 with a performance tour at George Mason University during Valentines Day and preparing for their upcoming international spring festival, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the Children of Adam Band’s 14-personnel tour schedule to a screeching halt on March 11, 2019.
Philadelphia Jazz Legacy Project launches monthly Philly Jazz Zoom Rooms
Due to COVID, the Philadelphia Jazz Legacy Project is presenting a free, monthly Philly Jazz Zoom Room to discuss books about Philly jazz, offer presentations about Philly jazz history, and musicians discussing the music. Their first Philly Jazz Zoom Room was on January 29 and featured Homer Jackson, director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project; Eric Battle, illustrator; and Dr. Diane D. Turner, curator of the Blockson Collection at Temple to discuss the book Philadelphia Jazz Stories: Illustrated.